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Discuss the instruction for making passive income.

Discuss the instruction for making passive income.

Instruction for Making Passive Income :

You can get started with zero investment if you want to earn money. Once all setups are done, it starts generating your daily Passive Income at your convenient time. But before diving into it, you should clarify that this income will not make you rich. It is just a side hustle that you have been trying out, which you can use to manage your basic expenses .it could probably earn up to fifty dollars per day, maybe a bit more if you push it hard. so let’s dive deep into the website which is called Pixabay.com.

Pixabay website is nothing but a library of totally free and royalty-free images and illustrations you’re allowed to use for commercial use. The work is to visit the website and click on illustrations. For example, if you search for flowers, scroll down and choose an image with a flower; this is how the website works. As you can see on the website, it has been mentioned that the website is free for commercial usage. So no attributions are required, and you can download it. There is an option to download the photos in the size you want.

You can access Passive Money freely for a certain period in the following application. The application’s name is repper. App The repper is a pattern maker application, and you can have a free trial where you don’t have to enter a credit card. So you’re going to use this free version. To get started with this application if you have no money to get started after 14 days, it goes up to less than 10 dollars per month, so it’s very cheap. But we can use the free version and then click on start up and sign up, and what you can do you can come into rapper .you can upload the image that you just found on pixabay that you’re allowed to use.

The Repper Application for Passive Money :

The rapper application will change it into some astonishing patterns just like you want. There are many different ones that you can choose from in lots of different versions. All you need to do is drag the image and make them all blue and edit them and alter the image. So they don’t look anything like the original image. There is no need to worry about printing. This is something that you can make sales from straight away, and you don’t have any money, .so you can play around with it and then export it here. The image can be exported in the form of PNG, and click on export. Then it will download your image as a PNG format; this is how you will make money.

If we use the etsy.com application, you can see that you can sell this digital PNG that you’ve created on Etsy as patterns. People can buy them, and you’re not sending anything out to the customers; it is just a digital file. Some people will use it as craft work. Etsy is a big crafting market website .in this application allows lots of people to make their things. So they might want to download and print out a paper pattern so they can add it to one of their packages or something like that, or it might be some wrapping paper.